Monday, April 7


where to start? where oh where?
as promised. a few swirling bad memories are to be revealed starting with this:

A few years back now I was working at a small boutique by the water. This was somewhere around the 12th grade, I think. Being a small store, there were many shifts spent working alone and many shifts that I wouldn't want to remember. A homeless man would pop in and out of the stores in the neighbourhood and on occasions I heard stories of him stealing the honey bottles from the coffee shop down the block. The being close to the water, the buildings are smaller and the sun glared in brightly enough to light up the shop. I remember times where large trucks would pass by and stop for the stop sign. For the seconds where your eyes start to adjust the whole place could go black and then flicker back in the sunlight again. Great place to work and it definitely got more than three strikes before I was out. One strike though, I hope never happens again.

Due to many hours of repeats of 'Sex and the City' I came across an episode in which Carrie was dumped by a post it, and since then, my worst breakup comes to mind.

I was working a shift, alone, with the promise of my boyfriend visiting and rescueing me away for a date later that night. In short, he came in while I was tied up with a few things, said a quick "hi" and went for a walk in the neighbourhood. To my surprise, he was a few hours late and in a low mood. A while later, free of duties until another customer showed their face, he came back. With a hug, and a rather strange kiss on the forehead, it was over. No real reason (but there never is, is there?), leaving me with 4 more hours of my shift ahead of me to work through the shock of it all. While this was not a post it, at least Carrie had a lonesome time to deal with the aftermath. I, on the other hand, had jewelery and hairpieces to sell.

So there you go. One incedent I hope does not repeat itself. For you, and for me.
The end.

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