Wednesday, May 7


It's been an odd few weeks full of self doubt and secluded moments. They've been fair and good and have treated me kindly. An obsession with dishes has become my grand distraction. Soothing yet not enough to brighten any mood. Of course, music becomes the master helper in these efforts to turn around a mood. It has lead me to an album gifted to me around Christmas from my folkie Uncle by Nick Drake. A great artist that wasn't put unpon any pedestal during his music career.

I've been listening constantly to the Pink Moon Album and it's not only light, calm and mellowing, it has a sound of seclusion and reflection that really relates to me right now. I think that everyone has those times of depression to fight through. I've been there before and ever since I fight so hard to stay away. Half the time it ends up being through pathetic distractions of hang outs and cleaning (most of which I'm using right now) but I say, as long as your fighting your way through, isn't it worth it?

Some don't survive through great depressions. After becoming fascinated with Nick Drake's music, I found him to be one. I'm no expert in the matter. Far from it. But I think it's worth trying to recover from. I won't get into details or debates. I had a few written and felt like it wasn't right to touch on my opinions in the matter compared to others. All I can say is, I'm in a bad place to be and with everything I have I'm fighting for survival. It's a tough and lonely world we live in, I hope I can just make it through and find some joy again.

The End.

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