Tuesday, January 20


Trying to stay caught up in the game of school but I'm running in circles again. Luckily the circles are keeping me active. Both mind and body are running and so far I'm doing okay.
Today was another day in history. And of course, each day is in all practicality, but today was different. Today I witnessed a gathering of people all watching the same thing occur that others all around the world were also involved with. People around radios, televisions, computers and upfront and center watched something magical as another president was inaugurated. I am Canadian who spent the day in classes, but was fortunate to witness parts of the event. The most wonderful thing was seeing a school that lacks school spirit and pride crowd around together for more than beers to unite in the viewing of this special event.
It was magical to see 4 floors of a building focused on 2 screens in an open-concept building filling every empty space. A single line of people marked the staircase with all bodies aimed towards the same. Every balcony was contained with students leaning over the edge just to get a glimpse of the action. If our tiny University was that active in watching today's event, it makes me wonder what other places were like and how many tuned in to listen or watch today?

The End.

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